Super Bowl Guide To betting Props w/ 13 Winning Props by Joe D’Amico




As far as props go, we are all well-aware that not just in the Super Bowl (which was usually the only major prop contest of the year), PROPS have really exploded over recent years. Every single game in every sport, every day you’ll find a list of prop bets available to you longer than your arm. Listen folks, when it comes to props, if it doesn’t give you value, step away. If you just want to bet some props for poops and giggles, then bet 20 props for 10 bucks a game, and have all the poops and giggles you can possibly handle. However, if you’re serious about making money, be disciplined. Let me tell you what I mean by that: There is a prop out there about Patrick Mahomes throwing a touchdown; Will Mahomes throw a TD? Do I think he’s gonna’ throw a TD? I think he’s gonna’ throw several TD’s. But the odds on him to throw a TD, ranges from -450 to -500. There is no value in it my friends. There is no value at all. Listen, God forbid on the first series of the game he gets hurt and he is sidelined, then you are screwed. And to be honest with you, unless you’re betting hundreds of thousands of dollars, there’s no significant profit in it anyway. Let it go. Below are some props that I really feel strongly about. They are all props that I feel give us value.



These are the props I feel are most “valuable” and the ones with a star are stronger, two stars are really strong as far as “value” goes.


Will the game be tied after 0-0? YES +145 *

Shortest FG of game 27.5 yards. UNDER -110 *

Will there be a ST or Defensive TD? Yes +250 *

Longest rush by Purdy 6.5 yards. OVER Even Money

Total TD passes by Purdy 1.5. OVER -110

Total receiving yards by Kittle 49.5. OVER -110 *

Will Kittle score a TD? Yes +170

Total TD passes by Mahomes 2. OVER +170

Will Pacheco score a TD? Yes +120

10)Total receiving yards by Kelce 72.5. OVER -110 *

11)Longest reception by Kelce 21.5 yards. OVER Even Money

12)Total receptions by Kelce 6.5. OVER -110 **

13) Will Kelce score a TD? YES +105 **