The Lions out-gained the Packers 391 to 298 yet only won 34-31. Equal turnovers at one but some bad red zone early got the Lions.
The Browns out-gained the Steelers 300 to 267 yet lost 27-14. A 3-1 turnover ratio and bad special teams hurt the Brownies.
The Panthers out-gained the Eagles 302 to 292 yet lost 22-16. A 1-0 turnover ratio and bad field position made it rough. They almost won the game.
The Falcons out-gained the Vikings 496 to 433 yet lost 42-21. A bad 3-0 turnover ratio and poor red zone sniped the birds.
The Jets out-gained the Dolphins 402 to 375 yet lost in oT 32-26. Equal turnovers at 0 but 10 penalties and bad overtime rule got the Jets.