Cancelling Miami +7



The betting line is telling us to take Buffalo. I think it’s way too many points, but I can’t justify betting on the Dolphins anymore given that the line hasn’t moved and, if anything, sharps are betting on Buffalo.

Since it’s back at +7, you should be able to get a full refund from your bet. If you can’t get a refund, stop using that fucking book- end of story.
Thanks- Chris
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Chris has been betting and handicapping sports for over a decade, honing long-term strategy from the sharpest minds in the industry. A military veteran and avid NY Giants fan, he has a Bachelor's in Journalism and Philosophy from Alvernia University and Master's in Public Administration from American University. When Chris isn't consuming sports (which is rather nonstop), he enjoys spending time with his family, his friends, and his over-sized German Shepherd. He also loves beef jerky (way too much).