NBA Finals Game 5 Heat-Nuggets FreePlay

Two Nuggets players shaking hands in celebration
Please give me a follow on Twitter to access all of my content and picks @TrustRocco.

Nuggets -2 (Bet365 -115) risk 1.15u to win 1u

So, I debated on doing a free-play article tonight and said to myself, this is the last game of the NBA season (in my opinion) I absolutely have too considering the amazing season we have had. So, yes assuming we close out all our series bets tonight, I believe I have uncovered one last play to send our 2022-23 season into just a memory. If you have read all my articles this season, you know at this point it’s not going to be a basic side/total bet tonight as that wouldn’t be me since I like to think outside the box. What quarter is Miami best in? Obviously, the 4th. Now their first halves have been hit or missed. Are they are going to leave it all on the court tonight? I think that goes without saying. I also think when it gets to halftime their gas tank is going to be EMPTY. This is also the same point of the game when Denver kicks it into high gear and gives the knockout punch to their opponents and is exactly what’s going to happen tonight! Like I have said in multiple of my podcasts, fatigue is going to kick in the Miami players at some point, specifically on the road in the high altitude of Denver. You could even say it started to show in the second half of game 4. So, Denver wins the NBA Finals tonight and delivers the knockout blow in quarter number 3, to hit our solo bet tonight, as well as our series bets! I hope everyone enjoyed the NBA season and my articles. This has been Eric Rocco, out.

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