NFL Football Million Dollar Sports Betting Contests for 2020

Westgate SuperContest and Circa Million Contest
Westgate SuperContest and Circa Sports Million Contest with @kivproxyservice

We all know how difficult 2020 has been to sports bettors and even sports fans in general.  Much of our daily lives has been affected by this pandemic not only to the point where many of us have lost out on income and opportunity, but we also lost our favorite past times from sports being limited or cancelled when suck at home for a good portion of this year.  Since March Madness was cancelled due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we all have been craving for something exciting in our lives to help close out the year in style.  College football is trying to make a comeback but that still has lots of uncertainly around it with the Big 10 & Pac 12 among other conferences being cancelled.  It is hard to put faith towards universities & athletes who are in school and not getting paid monetarily for the integrity of their work.

What we at least do know is that the NFL is back with a plan, and we are learning more and more on how to control this novel disease.  This NFL season has the opportunity to set us up for some serious fun, as well as the possibility to make a massive profit.  For all of that, look no farther than the Westgate SuperContest and the Circa Sports Million dollar contest presented to you by the Westgate Superbook and Circa Sportsbook in Las Vegas Nevada.  Maybe, just maybe this year can redeem itself and give all of us some hope and fun to close out a very frustrating 2020.

Being that these contests are based in Las Vegas, you might think that you must live there in order to play and get your picks in, but in all reality, this isn’t true at all.  As a matter of fact, you can live pretty much live anywhere in the world to play these contests and as long as you have an internet connection you can get your picks in every single week.   The way to do this is to hire a proxy service to make your plays so you don’t have to be there to do it weekly.  All that needs to be done is to be there once in Vegas to sign up in person and you are ready to roll for the entire season.  Throughout the year, it is very easy to log in online and make your plays form the convenience of your home or even from your phone itself.  Hiring a proxy service is so easy and efficient that even people who actually live near Vegas will pay for one just so they don’t have to drive in and show up weekly to make their plays.  Having a proxy is a convenient and a low expense way to play in such a big venue without having to travel every single week during the football season.   We will get into that more later in this article.

Let’s get into the rules for these contests shall we?   Both the Westgate SuperContest and the Circa Sports Million have fixed spreads for you to play. The format for all contestants is to pick 5 NFL games against the contest line and receive one point for a win or ½ point for a tie (push). Most accumulated points over the 17 week regular season is declared the winner and will get the grand prize!  In 2019 the winner of the Westgate Super Contest took home 1.47 Million Dollars going 59-25-1 record (70.2 percent) and the winner of the Circa Sports Million took home 1 Million dollars at a 57-25-3 record (70.2 percent).   Each contest has it’s benefits as I will discuss below.

The Westgate has 3 total contests.  The SuperContest is the OG of Las Vegas football contests being that it has been around since 1988.  This contest paid out whopping 1.47 Million dollar grand prize in 2019. The entry fee to get into this contest is $1500 with a maximum of 3 entries per person.   This contest pays out from first place to 100th and had 3,328 total entries last year.   This contest also has three $15,000.00 mini-contest payouts within the year to keep people who are losing interested in the game.  Those three payouts are for the best record the first 4 weeks of the contest, the first 8 weeks of the contest, and the final 3 weeks of the contest.  Even if you start out bad, you are still motivated to make your picks throughout the year to win some good money.   The Pros of the SuperContest is that it is very prestigious to win this being that it is world renown, and it pays out the first 100 places.  Even if you do not win the grand prize, you can still win something.  The cons of this contest is that the payout denominations are not set or guaranteed meaning that it is completely based on the number of entries for any given season.

The Westgate also has a larger fee for a contest for high-rollers called the SuperContest gold.  It is a winner take all contest at $5,000 per entry that has less players to compete against but an obviously higher buy-in.  In 2019 the Gold had a nice payout of 585K to the winner.   Finally, since just last year, the Westgate offers a Super Contest reboot for weeks 9-17 that has a $500 buy in and pays out the top 10 finishers.  This contest is smaller but allows people who missed their deadline of the Super Contest and current players whom are not in contention to have a shot at a large prize.

Now it wouldn’t be so interesting unless the Westgate had some actual competition right?  The Circa Sports Million came flying in last year for 2019 with some serious “Office Space” style restaurant flare.  They not only offer a very similar contest to the Westgate, but instead they offer GUARANTEED payouts to make sure that we know what we will be winning no matter how many people get in.   The game also revolves around picking 5 NFL games against the spread for the 17 weeks of the season.  Currently, the Circa is in the midst of building a wonderful new hotel & casino in downtown Las Vegas with a massive sportsbook that will contain the world’s largest TV screen for it’s patrons.  This book will have three actual levels and stadium seating with table games, VIP lounge areas and slot machines.  There will also be a sports friendly pool at the top of the hotel with a 125 foot TV screen so you can get a tan while cashing your tickets.  The Circa sportsbook is currently located at the D and the Golden Gate hotels in downtown Las Vegas.   Now back to the contest.

The Circa will be guaranteeing a total of 3 Million dollars of payouts for an entry of only $1000!  This price is 33% less than what the Westgate asks for for their version.   1 Million will go to first place while the top 50 entries will all get payouts.   The Circa also has a massive 4 quarterly payout system of 150K to first place, 75K for second and 50K for third every quarter of the contest!   You could potentially win 1.6 Million dollars!   There is also a fun little twist that the Circa threw in this year of having a 100,000 booby prize of the worst contest score for the whole season of NFL football.   Now here is the kicker for the Circa contest this year.   With Covid 19 going on, there could be less contestants for you to compete against to win that 1 million dollar + grand prize.   The Circa Sportsbook needs a total of 3000 entrants to just cover the prize payouts not including the overhead that it takes to create this extravaganza.   As of Sunday, August 23rd there was only 511 entries making a total of 2.48 million overlay.  Compared to last year, there was 580 entrants as of August 18th and a total of 1875 in total by the Saturday before kickoff.   If they do not get 3000 entries, then this contest will provide a positive expected value for all of their contestants.  The Pros of this contest is obviously the guaranteed money and the lower entry fees.  The Cons of the contest include that there may be more entrants to it than the SuperContest this year due to the prize guarantee.  Their is also 49 less total payouts to contestants so it could be tough to finish in 51st place where in the Westgate’s you would get a payout at that position.  Finally the Circa Million contest isn’t quite as prestigious as the Westgate’s SuperContest but it is gaining ground pretty quickly.  The Circa also has a massive survivor contest that guarantees 1 million to the winner.  It is also $1000 per entry and has no rake.  Maximum 5 entries per person.

Last but certainly not least, we can’t forget about the one who brings it all together.  Your NFL Super Contest and Circa Sports Million contest proxy service that does all of the leg work for you throughout the whole football season.   Now I have also heard a lot of horror stories of people hiring fly by night services, or trying to do it themselves or even trusting in their friends to make plays for them.   Some of those stories include arguments on the wrong games that were picked to simply forgetting to put the picks in on time.   There has also been situations that contestants were flat out ripped off with their investment.  Now I have had some experience over the last few years in playing the SuperContest myself, and I can assure you is that my proxy is the best that there is.  If you are ready to have a great time this year with these contests using a fun and reliable proxy, look no further than Kelly In Vegas!

Kelly Stewart is a very well known sports bettor and media personality in Las Vegas with country girl roots from Kansas and an outgoing big-city personality.  Most men will tell you that she is quite easy on the eyes, and most sports bettors will tell you that she is as sharp as come compared to anyone in the biz.  You have seen Kelly many times anchoring Wagertalk TV, Bleacher Report Betting as well as Showtime’s Docuseries “Action.”  Kelly Stewart co-owns and runs a fantastic outfit that supports you every step of the way through these contests from the beginning all the way till the very end.  Her team is equipped to handle 1000s of entries and she has a very efficient way to get your plays in easily, accurately and most importantly, on time.   When signing up you will meet her and/or her team at the local venue of each contest.  They will get you set up and guide you through the signup process.  When the spreads come out each week on Wednesday or Thursday, Kelly’s website will update with your choices on each lined game in the NFL.  After that, you then have a few days to contemplate which 5 games that you will pick against the spread.  With Kelly, you have the option of getting in your plays all the way up to Saturday when most proxy services allow for less time to contemplate your winners.  Last year, Kelly was the proxy for the Circa Sports Million dollar winner last year “Booty Blockers” & the proxy for the Westgate SuperContest winners “It Ain’t Breezy” as you can see in the pictures.  Both contestants put together accumulated over 2.4 Million Dollars of winnings!!!

Looking at each contest option, you can make your own assessments with your own adversity to risk on which contest will serve you better.  The Westgate has more total payouts and the Circa has a guaranteed amount.  The great thing about this year, especially if you live out of town, is that flights are very affordable due to Covid-19 and Hotels in Las Vegas are discounted while dying to be in your service.  Whichever NFL contest that you decide to choose, I can assure you that the investment will be well worth your time to help turn 2020 into a very exciting year.   Remember to get your entries in by September 12th to qualify.   Have a great contest everyone and best of luck for the rest of 2020!