Quick Nine with Chris Powers


The concept for “Quick Nine” is to give golf gamblers a behind-the-scenes look into their favorite personalities backgrounds and strategies.

On this week’s episode of Quick Nine, I talk with Chris Powers (@CPowers14) about a variety of topics including his start in golf gambling and his job at Golf Digest.



  1. You went to the University of Rhode Island to study Journalism. Was your goal always to get into golf-related media or, were you hoping to get your start in any sport? 
  2. You got hired by Golf Digest in 2017, can you tell me a little about how that came to be?
  3. At Golf Digest you started as an assistant editor and worked your way up to become a full-time staff writer in 2021. Can walk us through that process? 
  4. Now as a full-time staff writer, you cover a variety of topics across the golf landscape. However, the weekly article I’m most interested in is the Gambling Preview. You and several other prominent figures in the golf gambling space collaborate to offer your best bets. When did these articles start and how did this idea for these articles come to be? 
  5. You’re one of the hosts on The Loop Podcast, along with Alex Meyers and Steve Hennessey. The podcast started in 2020 and was originally a golf gambling-only podcast. Since then, it’s expanded to cover a wide range of topics. How did that podcast start and what made you transition away from only gambling coverage? 
  6. Favorite Tournament/ Course?
    • Major
    • Outside a Major
    • Course You’ve personally played
  7. How do you approach a tournament?
    • First thing you look at (Oddsboard or research?)
    • Website for Stats (Betsperts, Fantasy National, Rick Run Good, DataGolf)
    • Any content you consume weekly from fellow gamblers?
  8. How do you construct your card?
  9. Common Mistake Golf Betters make?

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