Rob Vinciletti: Saturday PAC 12 Power Play + WILD CARD GAME OF THE YEAR info

Saturday 100% Wild Card Play of the Year System goes Early + Late TOP Level Wild Card Total Headlines along with 3 Powerful NCAAB Plays including a rare Executive Level Tier 1. NBA 5* and Soccer. Comp play below. BONUS COMP OVER the total in Bengals vs Raiders game.
The NCAAB Comp play is on USC at 11:00 eastern. The Trojans are 14-1 and 7-0 and 7-0 at home. They are ranked 4th in defensive field goal percentage and 27th in offensive field goal percentage. They host an Oregon team that has won 4 straight most notably an upset win at #3 UCLA on Thursday. The Ducks though are still 1-5 ats on the road and ranked 253rd in defensive field goal percentage. In the Series the favorite has covered 10 of 12 an the host 5 of the lat 6. Look for USC to cool off the Ducks tonight. On Saturday a Massive card is up and led by the NFL Wild Card Play of the Year going early and the Late Top Level total. In hoops we have a Powerful NCAAB Card with an Executive Level TIER Headlining. Thee is another big 5* NBA and Soccer. See us at or on facebook/twitter Jump on and cash out all day and night. For the Comp play. Go with USC. Rob V- Golden Contender Sports.