Sportbook Review: BettorEdge


This will be the first of many reviews of sportsbooks. Now i should preface this, BettorEdge is not a book, it is an exchange. There are many common terms, peer to peer and betting exchange are the ones most commonly associated with these. Its similar to a book and therefore I am lumping it in the reviews.

It will graded in comparison to other exchanges, not directly against a book. I’ll explain a bit later why they shouldn’t be directly compared.

What is an Exchange?
If you are unfamiliar with exchanges, I’ll break it down. An exchange is when two players match their bets. Player A wants the New England Patriots at -3.5 while Player B wants the Jets at +3.5. Those bets are matched and going head to head. You are competing for each others money, not the user vs the book.

What is BettorEdge?
To Quote from their website:
“Where bettors compete against each other with no fees.

BettorEdge works differently than traditional sports betting, instead of betting against a sportsbook or “The House”, we match you up with other BettorEdge users.”

The main advantage with this is, you are playing someone else directly rather than a book. Books generally charge a 10% fee/juice/VIG to place a bet, i.e. -110. With BettorEdge, they charge no fee at all. Meaning you are getting the true odds.

All of BettorEdge’s lines are pulled from the same places the sportsbooks pull theirs.

BettorEdge Website

What is the advantage to BettorEdge?
The answer is simple, NO FEES. Why do no fees matter? To be profitable on -110 odds, you have to a 52.38 win % (same unit size). This would be the bare minimum. With BettorEdge, you have to have 50.01%.

They are also not regulated like a sportsbook so BettorEdge is in more states, because of this, 45 states to be exact.

The user can also change the line from presented odds. Meaning if in the above scenario, Player A wanted Patriots -6.5 instead of -3.5, they could raise the odds and put that line into the marketplace. Similar to an alternate line at a book, but some books restrict certain numbers and the user can not create the line/odds. The user is restricted to only what is offered at a book.

Another feature is, a user can tail or fade a user directly inside the platform.

BettorEdge also offers “EdgeCoins”. These are free coins when you sign up. for new bettors, these are no risk tokens with no value to help you learn how to bet. They are a great way to understand how BettorEdge works before fully diving in.

If you want to dive deeper into what BettorEdge advantages are.

What is the disadvantage to BettorEdge?
This is a little bit of a loaded question.

Betting exchanges as a mass introduction to the public are fairly new. Meaning there are less users. You need a user to take the other side of your bet.

Per my source, 80-90% of bets are filled. Per my experience, I have never had a bet unfilled. Why would some of the best go unfilled? Because it is an exchange. Like I mentioned before, users can manipulate the line. If there are multiple outlandish lines (which yes, users think they are slick and try and get +100 odds on -15 in NFL games) those will go unfilled. Smaller sports or more unique/exotic bets will go unfilled.

Another note on percent of bets filled, there’s no differentiation in whether the bet goes unfilled or is canceled by the user. So if a bet is placed and immediately canceled, it is considered, unfilled(apart of that 10-20% unfilled rate)

Exchanges at this point, just cant offer every line logistically. The amount of people betting on “smaller” sports just creates too much back end work for exchanges to create. For example, Alabama baseball was recently in the news for betting scandals. Alabama had one total bet and thats ultimately what caused the books to find out whats going on. Large books taking one bet just isn’t viable for exchanges to create lines for.

With the limited lines, you might miss out on certain props, i.e. Jameis Winston over/under sacks. If that is what you are looking for exchanges aren’t for you and most books aren’t either.

Why use BettorEdge over a Sportsbook?
Let’s make this very clear here. As of now, I wouldn’t personally take one over the other. Especially if you are a niche sports bettor as I mentioned college baseball example previously.

You should be using an exchange AND books when you are line shopping. Both should be tools in a profitable bettors belt. If you are able to get the best line at an exchange, this is your best option. If you are looking for a very niche market, this is probably not for you, and that is OKAY.

What lines do they offer?
BettorEdge offers most of the popular lines, NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, Golf, UFC, EPL, UCL, Tennis, as well as a few others depending on season of the sport.

BettorEdge does have some exotic and prop plays. Superstar Points, Yards, etc. Other bets like win totals preseason.

In each event, you can see how many bet orders are available to take.

What makes BettorEdge different from other exchanges?
First and foremost, NO FEES, they are the only exchange as of right now (that I am aware of, that offers this). BettorEdge also offers more of a community feel. Inside the platform, a user can, create a post, tweet it, follow other users, be listed on the leaderboards for various performances, subscribe to podcast, enter competitions, and more.

Is there an App?
As of today, no. Currently on the list of things being built out. However, you can make a webpage app. Meaning your phone will create what looks like an app and take you directly to that page when you open it. Forward facing, it’s really no different for the user.

The webpage app looks great. Very easy to navigate. Super straight forward.
This is directly from my iPhone web app. It looks just like a sportsbook.

Is it safe?
Yes, BettorEdge uses the highest safety measures. I have deposited and withdrawn from BettorEdge. To add your bank information, there is multiple safety steps you must take. Bet matching is done on the backend and you’ll never know who you are playing against (outside of the competitions).

Rating –
1= This book should fold immediately and never attempt to offer lines again
10= nothing needs changed, this is the only book anyone needs

There is some things I LOVE about BettorEdge. Not paying a fee to bet is worth a 6 alone. The look and feel is easy. The community feel, the ability to have transparency with other users and the competitive balance inside, is something no book will be able to offer. Ever.

Yes, I wish there were more line options. Yes, there will be more line options as more users join. Currently BettorEdge sits around 14,000 users. This is the biggest knock right now. More Users = More Lines

Thats really the biggest drawback. I took off 0.5 from the rating just because BettorEdge is not in an app, YET. It will be and as soon as it does, 8.5/10 will be locked in.

BettorEdge is my go to option while line shopping. If the line I am looking for is not there, then I will move on. I personally don’t prop shop here, personal preference and I’m aware most of what i’m looking for will be on niche books.

Hopefully, you will join me over at BettorEdge. BOL.

New users can sign up with my code and receive $20 on sign up: edge

BettorEdge Website
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